Directions to Our Corporate Office, Norcross, GA, USA

Corporate Offices
2000 Northeast Expressway
(6305 Crescent Drive)
Norcross, GA 30071, USA
888-342-3743 [U.S.A. and Canada]


  1. 从机场出发,沿I-85向北,然后沿I-75/85向北穿过亚特兰大市中心
  2. Remain on I-85 North where I-75/85 split
  3. Continue on I-85 crossing I-285
  4. Exit onto Jimmy Carter Blvd., about 2 miles past I-285
  5. Turn left on Jimmy Carter and cross over I-85
  6. Turn left at the second red light (Crescent Drive)
  7. 诺克罗斯设施位于吉米卡特大道的拐角处. 和新月大道,但你必须在新月大道停留
  8. about 1/2 mile to reach plant entrances. 访客必须在主楼入口处的前台办理入住手续.

Directions to OFS Laboratories, Somerset, NJ, USA

25 Schoolhouse Road
Somerset, NJ 08873
888-342-3743 [U.S.A. and Canada]

从point North(和纽瓦克国际机场)出发:

  1. Take New Jersey Turnpike SOUTH
  2. Exit 10 (Rt I-287 North)
  3. Continue on I-287 North
  4. Exit 12 (Weston Canal Road)
  5. At end of ramp, make a left on Weston Canal Road
  6. Stay in left hand lane
  7. 在第一个红绿灯处(La Quinta在左手边),左转到Cottontail Lane
  8. Continue straight until the end
  9. Take a left on Schoolhouse Road
  10. OFS is #25, the first building on the left hand side.

Directions from Points South:

  1. Take New Jersey Turnpike NORTH
  2. Exit 10 (Rt I-287 North)
  3. Continue on I-287 North
  4. Exit 12 (Weston Canal Road); At end of ramp, make a left on Weston Canal Road
  5. Stay in left hand lane
  6. 在第一个红绿灯处(La Quinta在左手边),左转到Cottontail Lane
  7. Continue straight until the end
  8. Take a left on Schoolhouse Road
  9. OFS is #25, the first building on the left hand side.

Directions From the West:

  1. Take Route 78 East to Route I-287
  2. Take I-287 South
  3. Exit 12 (Weston Canal Road); At end of ramp, make a left on Weston Canal Road
  4. Stay in left hand lane
  5. 在第一个红绿灯处(La Quinta在左手边),左转到Cottontail Lane
  6. Continue straight until the end
  7. Take a left on Schoolhouse Road
  8. OFS is #25, the first building on the left hand side.

Directions to Our Carrollton, GA, USA Facility

10 Brightwave Blvd.
Carrollton, GA 30117, USA

Directions from Atlanta to OFS Carrollton:

  1. 沿I-20向西行驶,直到11号出口(卡罗尔顿-不来梅).
  2. 沿着27号高速公路向南行驶约6英里,在哥伦比亚大道的红绿灯处右转.
  3. 我们公司的办公室在你右手边第三栋楼 .35 miles).
  4. 要到达我们的制造工厂,请向右转至BrightWave Blvd. and follow the signs.

从亚特兰大哈茨菲尔德国际机场到OFS Carrollton的路线:

  1. Take Camp Creek Parkway to I-20 West.
  2. 沿I-20向西行驶约40英里,直到11号出口(卡罗尔-不来梅)。.
  3. 沿着27号高速公路向南行驶约6英里,在哥伦比亚大道的红绿灯处右转.
  4. 我们公司的办公室在你右手边第三栋楼 .35 miles).
  5. 要到达我们的制造工厂,请向右转至BrightWave Blvd. and follow the signs.

Directions to Our Sturbridge, MA, USA Facility

50 Hall Road
Sturbridge, MA 01566, USA

Directions From Rt. 90 Massachusetts Turnpike, points East or West:

  1. Take the Massachusetts Turnpike (Rt. 90) to Exit 9, Sturbridge.
  2. 穿过收费广场后,从第二个出口(20号公路东).
  3. 在坡道底部你只能走一条路,这样你就上了20号公路东.
  4. 沿着20号公路走大约四分之三英里,经过右边的Cracker Barrel和Wendy 's餐厅,然后
  5. take your first right onto Hall Road.
  6. OFS位于霍尔路50号左边半英里处.

Directions From I-84, Hartford, Connecticut:

  1. From I-84 East, take Exit 3A, Rt. 20 East
  2. Follow Rt. 20 about ½ mile, 经过右边的Cracker Barrel和Wendy 's餐厅, and take your first right onto Hall Rd.
  3. OFS位于霍尔路50号左边半英里处.

Directions to Our Avon, CT, USA Facility

55 Darling Drive
Avon, CT 06001
888-438-9936 (toll free)
860-678-0371 (tel)
860-674-8818 (fax)

Directions From I-84 East or West:

  1. EXIT 39 off of I-84 (East/West)
  2. Take I-84 West to Exit 39 (Route 4)
  3. At 2nd light turn right onto Route 10 North
  4. 行驶约5英里至10号和44号公路交汇处(雅芳老农场酒店将在您的右侧)
  5. Turn left on Route 44 West
  6. 在5号红绿灯处左转进入达令大道(雅芳公园南)
  7. OFS is Building 55 on the right.

Directions From Massachusetts:

  1. 沿马萨诸塞州高速公路(I-90)向西至84号州际公路西(哈特福德)
  2. Take I-84 West to Exit 39 (Route 4)
  3. At 2nd light turn right onto Route 10 North
  4. 行驶约5英里至10号和44号公路交汇处(雅芳老农场酒店将在您的右侧)
  5. Turn left on Route 44 West
  6. 在5号红绿灯处左转进入达令大道(雅芳公园南)
  7. OFS is Building 55 on the right.

Directions From New York:

  1. 乘坐I-684号公路到I-84东或I-95北至8号公路北至I-84东
  2. Take I-84 East to Exit 39 (Route 4)
  3. At 2nd light turn right onto Route 10 North
  4. 行驶约5英里至10号和44号公路交汇处(雅芳老农场酒店将在您的右侧)
  5. Turn left on Route 44 West
  6. 在5号红绿灯处左转进入达令大道(雅芳公园南)
  7. OFS is Building 55 on the right.

Directions From Bradley International Airport:

  1. 走20号公路向西到10/202号公路的交叉口
  2. 乘10/202南路(行车时间约20分钟)
  3. 沿着10/202号公路走到10号公路的4路交叉路口 & 44 (202 South, 44 East)
  4. 地标是右边的一座白色公理会教堂, 街对面是一家汽车经销店,左边是一座白色的大楼
  5. Take a right onto Route 44
  6. At second set of lights, go left. We are on the right at 55 Darling Drive
  7. 在OFS的第一个入口右转,然后把车停在访客停车场.

Directions to Our Somerset, NJ, USA Facility

19 Schoolhouse Road
Somerset, NJ 08873

从point North(和纽瓦克国际机场)出发:

  1. Take New Jersey Turnpike SOUTH
  2. Exit 10 (Rt I-287 North)
  3. Continue on I-287 North
  4. Exit 12 (Weston Canal Road)
  5. At end of ramp, make a left on Weston Canal Road
  6. Stay in left hand lane
  7. 在第一个红绿灯处(La Quinta在左手边),左转到Cottontail Lane
  8. Continue straight until the end
  9. Take a left on Schoolhouse Road
  10. OFS is #25, the first building on the left hand side.

Directions from Points South:

  1. Take New Jersey Turnpike NORTH
  2. Exit 10 (Rt I-287 North)
  3. Continue on I-287 North
  4. Exit 12 (Weston Canal Road); At end of ramp, make a left on Weston Canal Road
  5. Stay in left hand lane
  6. 在第一个红绿灯处(La Quinta在左手边),左转到Cottontail Lane
  7. Continue straight until the end
  8. Take a left on Schoolhouse Road
  9. OFS is #25, the first building on the left hand side.

Directions From the West:

  1. Take Route 78 East to Route I-287
  2. Take I-287 South
  3. Exit 12 (Weston Canal Road); At end of ramp, make a left on Weston Canal Road
  4. Stay in left hand lane
  5. 在第一个红绿灯处(La Quinta在左手边),左转到Cottontail Lane
  6. Continue straight until the end
  7. Take a left on Schoolhouse Road
  8. OFS is #25, the first building on the left hand side.

Directions to Our Broendby, Denmark Facility

Priorparken 680
DK – 2605 Brøndby
+45 4345 8888

OFS DK位于丹麦最古老的工业区之一“Priorparken”. 距离卡斯特鲁普机场仅22公里,距离哥本哈根仅10公里, 公共和私人交通工具都可以方便快捷地到达OFS.

By Plane:

  1. To Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen, Denmark. From Kastrup Airport you can come to OFS:
    • By car
    • By train
    • By taxi.

By Car, the Route From the Airport or Rødby is:

  1. 沿着高速公路E47/E55直到24号出口Roskildevej(靠近哥本哈根).
  2. 向左转,继续走500米到第一个红绿灯.
  3. Turn left onto Tavleholmsvej.
  4. 此后左转进入Vibeholmsvej,右转进入Vibeholms all.
  5. 穿过隧道,向右转,进入北入口.
  6. 距离约22公里,行驶时间约20分钟.

By Train:

  • 从机场到哥本哈根中央车站(hovedbanegamatrden)有很多交通工具。, 在那里你可以换乘开往Høje taststrup站的火车. Get off the train at Brøndbyøster or Glostrup Station. 从其中一个车站乘坐出租车将在5分钟内将您送到OFS. It is a 15-minute walk. 公共汽车定期从车站开往丹麦OFS所在的Priorparken.

Click for more information about the: Train Services


  • 巴士定期从Glostrup站和Brøndby站发车. For further information, please ask at the station.


  • 从机场到OFS的车程为20分钟,价格约为200 Kr. 与中央车站的时间距离相同,价格约为175 Kr.

Travel service:

  • 如果你计划在丹麦开车,那么“Kraks旅行计划”可能会有所帮助. When on Kraks site (, 你可以免费订购一张地图,上面有从丹麦的任何地址到Brøndby的OFS的精确驾驶路线.

Click for more information about the: Travel Services

Public Transportation:

  • 如果您乘坐公共交通工具旅行,可以向您推荐DSB的服务 DSB is the Danish state-owned Railway Company, 当你使用公共交通工具时,哪种工具能有效地帮助你规划出行路线.

Click for more information about the: Public Transportation

In Priorparkeni:

  • 在门口,您将收到一张客人卡和前往OFS的行车指示. 由于道路系统面向南北轴线,并且该地区被划分为编号的街区,因此很容易找到你的路. 如上所述,只有通过北门才能进入该地区.

Speed Limit:

  • Priorparken: 40 km/h.


  • 客人可在特别标示的停车位免费停车.


  • Priorparken is named after NKT’s founder, engineer H.P. Prior. As OFS Denmark many years ago emerged from NKT, 该公司位于Priorparken是很自然的. Today OFS is one of the largest companies in the area.

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